Thursday, December 13, 2007

adhd child in parenting research study

If you child is normal, happy and at the end of a big day suddenly gets tired and a bit cranky, then that child has a mental illness. Rediculous! Well I will not dare you to try this one out on your doctor unless you know him very well and know for sure that he is not one of the drug pushing agents for the drug companies. Because this little test could find yourself in a battle of child abuse custody because you are refusing to take the doctors orders and ensure that you baby gets their medication. In many part of the world, trying to take your child or refusing to give your child their "medication" is classed as child abuse and the "public guardian" can come and remove the child from your custody and place them in the "care" of some foster parent who is being paid to the sum of some $36,000 to ensure that the medication is given exactly as prescribed. If you are going to temp the hand of the devil, don't use your child as the bait, for you risk a brisk snatching that will take your baby away forever.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

adhd child in memory short term

adhd child in memory short term is a natural occurance when your chikd is bombarded with the drugs that are being prescribed.

Before you take you child to any too easy to prescibe drugs as an answer specialist, ask yourself.

Does my child really have this MADE UP DESEASE CALLED ADHD? or is he or she going throught the normal barriers of learning and growing up?

Download this great free ebook today at this link.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

adhd child hallucinations

That Right!

The effects of the powerful mind altering drugs that are being prescribed to our children do cause them to have grose and disturbing hallucinations.

Other side effects are: Heart Palpitations, Stroke and Suicide.

Download the Free E-Book and protect your child today.

adhd child and depression

Have you been sold the lie that your adhd child will lead to depression. Or that you are suffering "depression" because of your ADHD Child? Then please be informed imediately that you are the larget of the world's largest marketing campaign. And the target is you and you child.

Millions upon Millions are being earnt in residual income from our children ever time a prescription is filled out.

Follow this link and download the free ebook today.

Kind regards the True Crime Discovery Team.

active and alert children versus hyperactive

Parents be ware!

You child is active and alert. He or she is doing great and is as you were coming across and finding ways to overcome the barriers of life.

I URGE you to down load this free e-book today and educate yourself on the tools you may well need to protect you child from the brutal labelling that is destroying the lives of millions across america and the world today.

aboriginal child and youth mental health recommendations

We have had some amazing talent coming out of Australia with greats like Anthony Mundene and his awesome father Tony. Cathy Freeman, Lionel Rose and many other great achievers from the aboriginal community.

This race of people has been heavily attached by the psychiatric industry with aboriginal families being free rein for prescription drugs. With the creation of a psychosis that is tearing this community apart, for the industry that is capitalising so heavily on the families and children of Ausralia's future, it is all about money.

Yes! Prescription Drugs means money in the pockets of the criminals that prescribe them. This is a great form of residual income for the many psychiatrists and doctors that are capitalising on these distressed families.

I hope that these so called "prefessiaals" have a thought for the lives tat they are destroying the next time they pay for there golf club fees using such blood money.

I urge all aboriginal leaders ad role models to follow this link and download this free booklet now.

Kind regards, True Crime Discovery Team.